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New Sensory Garden

Mill Ford Friends asked parents and students of the school 


What would like Mill Ford friends to raise funds for next? 


Overwhelmingly the answer was to build a sensory garden at the school. 


Both parents/carers and students recognised the huge benefits of having a sensory garden at the school 


Therefore, it was agreed the next project Mill Ford Friends would start to advance with, is the new sensory garden. 

We have been working on items we would like to have and location within the school ground – including size of site. 

A meeting with the Student Eco Council is due to take place soon, where they will be shown some of the ideas for the garden and will in turn be asked to discuss with their peers, what they would like and bring this to the next meeting with them.   

Our aim is to start the project in early Spring 2024 and finish soon after.


Why Do We Need A Sensory Garden? 


A sensory garden will have many purposes of use for the students at the school, these include and are not limited to; 


Sensory stimulation – Smell, Touch, Sound and Vision 

Fine and Gross Motor Skills by using the sensory boards, instruments and taking care of the garden 

Regulation Area – Reduce anxiety, distraction area and self-regulation 

Learning – Learn how to grow and take care of plants, lifecycle of food from garden to plate – children will cook with the produce they grow 

Recycling – Using water butts to collect rainwater for the plants, composting bin to reduce the waste from the school kitchen going to land fill.  Using old and discarded plastic piping, car tyres and other items to make plant pots or instruments etc 

Breakout area – Teachers to utilise the area for learning opportunities outside of class such as, science and music. 


The school have a Student Eco Council, whose ethos is to reduce waste, recycle as much as possible, reduce carbon footprint and build a better environment for all. 



What Principles Will We Follow? 


Work directly with the students and school to ensure we incorporate as many items as possible to enrich lives on a daily basis 

Sustainably source materials like wood from FSC regulated companies 

Recycle discarded plastics and other materials to repurpose for a new use 

Work with the students and wider community to bring our vision to life 

Continue to Fundraise until our vision is attained.


Below is a collage of some of the ideas that have already been discussed, and if you have any further ideas - please email and we will be happy to look at them along with the student Eco Council.


The Near Future


Once the position and topography of the site is known, a vision will be produced and shared with the students/carers and parents, to ensure we make it as best we can, with the resources available.


We will be looking for sponsors, volunteers, use of equipment, and help to ensure we can produce something very special for the students of the school - after all, they deserve it!


Further information about sponsorship etc will be released soon.  We are currently looking into a tiered approach and the finer details are in discussion and yet to be confirmed.  Again, once these are finalised. we will inform you of the approach deemed appropriate.  If you have any ideas regarding the Sensory Garden, help with sponsorship, loan of equipment, or know companies that may be able to help or provide discounts - please share them with us!


I have attached a document to the button below for you to share with businesses or anyone you may think could help us achieve our goals.  It provides further information about the project.  please feel free to download it.



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