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Sensory garden Update!

Updated: Apr 26

The updating of the Sensory Garden has now started. Unfortunately due to adverse weather, we are not as far along as we would have hoped. However, with help from Paul Cole and Drakes Construction, the new partition is in place. Paul will also be creating a new area, fixing the existing roof and adding new coloured acrylic.

Also, big thanks goes out to Jodie, Fran, Tony, Barbara, Bethany, Riley, Rio and Jason for the painting so far. 1st coat done! They gave up their time on Saturday and also after school on Wednesday to do this.

As you can see there is still a lot of work to do, to get it up to a nice standard. But we are making in roads.

This project has been possible thanks to the PTA and its volunteers helping raise money at events held throughout the year, This project alone has a £2500 budget, with a small contingency if required.

We would also like to thank the parents/care givers for your support when holding the events, as without it things like this would not be possible.

As more work is completed, we will provide further photo updates.

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