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Congratulations to the Ten Tours Team!

Updated: Feb 26

Mill Ford Friends would like to congratulate all participants of the Mill Ford Ten Tours team. They all looked very smart in their new Hoodies and polo shirts donated by Mill Ford Friends.

Robyn requested funding for the children to have new hoodies, polo shirts, and a flag just like the other schools participating in the event. Mill Ford Friends were more than happy to agree to the funding, and just look how good they looked!

Robyn said, "The team looked amazing and certainly professional! Thanks for the funding, it did make them feel smart and special".

Receiving a comment like that is exactly why we work so hard to raise funds for the children, and makes it all worthwhile!

Mill Ford Friends also received a request from Simon, requesting funding for new inner sleeping compartments for the tent. Of course, we obliged and now going forward they have the basic equipment to continue their participation in the event.

A massive well done and we are all very proud of your achievement!

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