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A Big Thank You To All !!

What a day we had at the Fayre !!

The weather was not on our side at times and we suffered a few down pours, however by the afternoon the sun was out and we had a great day.

As you can see from the poster we raised a fantastic amount of money for new items/projects/experiences for the students of the school. this could not have been done without the hard work of the PTA. Jay, Fran, Stephanie and Tony spent many many hours organising the event, and it was a huge success.

Special thanks also need to go out to all the volunteers who helped on the day and especially the children who gave up their day to run the games area. The games area was something new the PTA had tried this time and it was thoroughly enjoyed. Not only were the people who played able to win additional prizes along the way, but there was also 3 winners who received bigger prizes for the highest scores. Well done to Emily, Lila and Rachel for winning and had the choice of a Hype Back Pack, Go Pro style action/sport camera and a Radio Controlled Robot.

Thanks also need to go out to the Traders, people who attended, people who donated items to sell or raffle prizes, the local community and to those who were able to buy raffle tickets.

In all there were 34 prizes and all prizes are now with the respective winners..

We look forward to next years event with the hope of more people attending and finding new ideas to make it even better.

thank you!

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